CHIASMA / Salvo Lombardo feat. Nicola Galli
Breathing Room

Roma – Parco di Torre del Fiscale

Via dell’Acquedotto Felice 120

7 july 2023
h: 21.00

With Breathing Room Salvo Lombardo leans on the breath, approaching it as a poetic act. The work mainly consists in the invention of an ideal and dilated space in which “catch your breath” and in which to practice the artist’s loss of control over the artistic act itself. The dramaturgy, which draws inspiration from Il silenzio è cosa viva by Chandra Livia Candiani, is informed by a series of solicitations and suggestions that Salvo Lombardo has received over time as a gift from various people who have contributed to training the breath as a significant substance and as an open field of meanings. Breathing Room is a room, an ideal perimeter of relationship, informed by a voice that projects a saying and evokes a doing.

Duration: 40 min

concept, texts, voice and environment by Salvo Lombardo
made with Lavanderia a Vapore di Collegno
with the participation of Nicola Galli
dramaturgy inspired by Silence is a living thing by Chandra Livia Candiani
notes, words, images in the form of gifts by Fabio Acca, Michele Di Stefano, Carlo Lei, Cristina Kristal Rizzo, Alessandro Sciarroni, Alessandro Tollari
original music and sound design Fabrizio Alviti
executive production Chiasma
with the support of Festival Attraversamenti Multipli
with the contribution of MIC – Ministry of Culture

Bio Artist

Salvo Lombardo, è un performer, coreografo, artista multimediale e curatore di progetti performativi. Negli anni ha approfondito una ricerca che spazia tra la danza, il teatro e le arti visive con particolare attenzione ai linguaggi del video e dell’arte relazionale. Dal 2016 è direttore artistico della Compagnia Chiasma. Attualmente è artista associato di MilanOltre Festival e della Lavanderia a Vapore. I suoi lavori sono stati ospitati e prodotti da numerosi festival, teatri, musei e spazi indipendenti in Italia e all’estero.

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