CIRCO PACCO / 100% Paccottiglia

piazza Umberto 1 – Toffia (RI)
24 june 2023
h: 18.30

It is simply that Paccottiglia (junk) is not-contemporary circus. A clownesque show that revives the circus world in parody thanks to two authentic scoundrels Frank Duro and Gustavo Leumann. Refuting “Nouveau Cirque”, and delected by classic circus the two eccentric characters do not rest until they have created their own inimitable style: The Circo Pacco.
Attempting to set up their show, they try by all means to earn the center of the stage for carryng the audience.
At the cost of prevaricate one on the other, they challenge with numbers at scoundrel limit between rain of pop-corn, magic comic, juggling sequences and eccentric acrobatic.
Any attempt to surpise the audience falls in failure and in a continuous clown game.

Duration: 45 min

spettacolo di e con / Alessandro Galletti e Francesco Garuti
scenografie / Alessandro Galletti e Francesco Garuti
costumi / Andrea Portioli / Simona Randazzo
produzione / Circo Pacco / Teatro Necessario

Bio Company

The company Circo Pacco was formed in 2012 by Alessandro Galletti and Francesco Garuti during the years of their training at the Atelier Teatro Fisico di Philip Radice Physical Theatre school in Turin, Italy.
Their expressive non verbal visual comedy and physical theatre is characterised through the pair’s modern adaptation of the classic clown archetypes and the dynamics between the “white clown” and “Augusto”.
They were inspired to create “100% Paccottiglia”, their first show, which since 2013 has been performed at street theatre festivals, in circuses and in theatres. With this show they have won the following first prizes: Premio Magnoberta (2013), Milan Clown Festival (2014), Clown & Clown Festival (2015) and the second place Premio Italiano Artisti di Strada (2016) (Italian Street Performer Prize).
In 2018 the company produced a full length theatrical version: “Paccottiglia Deluxe: cialtroneria di qualità superiore”.
Following an international tour of Australia in 2019 the company has begun a new creation titled “The Winner”.

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